Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Hey Ashley, it's not 1985.

You wouldn't know it from this little neon extravaganza, though, would you?

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Oh, Via Diagonale. You look so stylish, and yet you are clearly trying to kill me. Here's the story.

Via Attempt #1: Cast on, knit one round, discover that I have twisted my join. Twisted my join? Who does that anymore? That's so first-six-months-of-knitting. Yet I managed it. Blame backward loop cast-on, cuss, and rip.

Via Attempt #2: Cast on, knit three rounds no problem, on the fourth round, make a pattern mistake, track down the error, rip the fourth row, reknit the fourth row, discover that I have cast on 196 stitches instead of 192. Not a recoverable-from mistake, thanks to pattern complexity. Blame math as a concept, cuss, and rip.

Via Attempt #3: Cast on, check for twisted join, count cast-on stitches 3 times, place markers every 24 stitches to minimize possibility of pattern error (worked like a charm, that), successfully knit 1.5 pattern repeats. Decide I fervently hate both yarn (turns out that Cascade Superwash looks and feels like acrylic) and yarn colors (what was I thinking? That I wanted to burn my advisor's retinas out? [Although now that I think of it...]). Cuss, loudly. Pace. Watch 2 episodes of M*A*S*H, one of which features knitting. Cuss more, drive 40 minutes to yarn store to exchange the one unused ball of Cascade. Drive 40 minutes home. Rip.

Start all over again:

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Much more pleasing, I think, and even more so is the name of the yarn I'm using:

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Saucy indeed, my friends, in Concord Grape and Celery. That's 183 yds of 100% mercerized cotton for less than five bucks, and it's actually a pleasure to work with so far. The good news is that after all of this I have the pattern down cold, so hopefully I'll be able to plow right through this one. Hopefully.

By the way, if you have ever wondered what you should do with your roses, Bailey would like you to know that they are excellent for snacking on.

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Of course, Bailey also snacks on cat poo, so I wouldn't take her word for anything.


Blogger KnittenKnots said...

Love the celery and concord grape - very soothing colors and CHEAP (that was a fabulous price). I liked the first colors too - they would have made a great Via Diagonale but you're probably right that they could be too much for some. I was making hats for a ski trip this winter and TWICE I had to rip because I had twisted the join - I couldn't believe it. I was looking at it saying "yup, that's right" and then several rows later cussing and ripping. Thought I was starting to lose it quite honestly.

4/27/2005 10:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love your dog

4/27/2005 4:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you know why your dog probably snacks on cat pooh (ewwwww)? 'Cause cat food is full of flavours 'n stuff to make the food smelly and tasty for the fussy cats. So the pooh's probably one tasty snack. Icky!

4/29/2005 4:24 AM  

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